Music Business Dreams

027: Getting Your Finances in Order with Alec Robinette

Episode Summary

Alec and I discuss the importance of budgeting, best practices for investing, and why he's made it his mission to give Indie Artists sound Financial advice.

Episode Notes

As we kick off 2019, it's important that we do the important things first. While it seems glamorous to spend money keeping up appearances, if you can't manage your finances responsibly, you'll never be able to pursue music as a full time career.

Today on Music Business Dreams, I'm talking to Alec Robinette, a Certified Financial Planner. Alec believes that when artists prosper, they can deliver more of their message to the world. So, he founded Elemental Financial to empower musicians to take ownership of their wealth potential through financial planning, coaching and investment advice.

Alec and I discuss the importance of budgeting, best practices for investing, and why he's made it his mission to give Indie Artists sound Financial advice.

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